Auction date is
Sunday, March 26th

As most of you already know, the TV Auction is our biggest fundraiser of the year.  It is a lot of work, but many hands makes the work easier.  We appreciate any help that you can give us. 

Some of the tasks include:
  •  Set up on Saturday March 25th (8:00 AM to 12:00)
  • Tear down after the Auction (March 26th starting at 8:30 PM)
  • Answering calls on the day of the auction (two hour shifts)
  • Pick and Pay (Retrieving auction items & collecting payment day of the auction and the next day)
  • Making food for the auction
  • Auctioneers/ Hosts
  • Directors
  • Displaying items for the TV Camera
  • Bid Runners
  • Bid Tallying
  • Many more tasks that come up during the day 

Any help and time that you can give will be greatly appreciated.  Please reach out to Dave LaPauloue or sign up on the tasks lists. 

Thank you for all that you do.


