Greetings District Rotarians,


I am writing to inform you of a very important Rotary Mission in regards to Covid-19 vaccine distribution in Maine.  For the past several weeks, we have been working with the State of Maine EMS, in Augusta, and our neighboring Rotary Districts 7790 and 7810 DG's and DGN's.


Please join me in Thanking PRID (Past RI Director) Dan Mooers, South Portland-Cape Elizabeth RC, for requesting that our District Leadership consider doing what we do best, supporting vaccine initiatives.  PRID Dan, thru his contacts in Augusta and Maine,  learned of the need by the State of ME EMS, for iPads and refrigerators.  The iPads for registration consistency, efficiency, and security and the refrigerators for single storage of the vaccines.

We have been tasked to support the EMS agencies, certified by the State for Covid-19 distribution, utilizing the RC's of those local EMS's, to provide financial support for them to purchase the necessary equipment.  These EMS agencies will initially be vaccinating 1st Responders.


Our District Finance Committee approved $10K ($7K for ME/$3K for NH), as did our neighboring Districts, to support our local RC's in financing the needed iPads and refrigerators.  We may not be able to cover all the cost, but will do what we can.  

 DGE Richard Hall and I are coordinating this effort for our District.

Please feel free to contact either of us with any questions or concerns.


As important, is that the ME Emergency Management is looking for volunteers to help with their vaccine efforts.  While they primarily need medical personnel, they will more than likely be needing other volunteers, in a hands-on capacity, as they roll-out the larger scale vaccination clinics.


To volunteer, Rotarians may go to the following website :

FYI, I have registered at this website as an RN.  It took me about 20mins. to complete as I did not have all the information they requested at my fingertips.  Medical & Nursing Personnel, To expedite the registration process, have in hand your license #, licensing/certification dates, and employer/supervisor contact information.

Non-medical volunteers are to also register at this website.

Also, another way to volunteer is to register with your local hospital Covid-19 Response Team as a "vaccinator" or volunteer.  This took me only a few minutes to apply.


 Our preparedness to help in any way was clearly expressed to Dr. Nirav Shah, Director of the ME CDC.  He acknowledged that communities "trust and respect Rotary" and why he feels confident that we will be able to help in many capacities, including working with our communities to educate and increase utilization of the vaccines.

DGE Dick Hall and I will inform you of requested volunteer opportunities.


Truly, and Without a Doubt, "Rotary Opens Opportunities"

Peggy Belanger

DG 2020 - 2021/D7780
